Thursday, May 12, 2011

Forgive & Forget

In the King James (KJV) translation of the bible, the word "Forgive" is used 48 times, the word "Forgave" is used 7 times, and the word "Forgiving" is used 4 times!  Which brings us to a total of 59 times.  There is nothing significant about the number of times it is used, I'm just highligting the point of the bible mentioning and instructing us to forgive others . . . and ourselves.  In Matthew 18:21, Peter ask JESUS how many times is he suppose to forgive his brother who sins against him.  JESUS answers, seventy times seven! Wow! Seventy times seven is 490!  It seems like a lot of forgiving, but it doesn't even compare to how many times we have been forgiven by others and GOD!

So, it can be clearly understood that we should forgive, and the bible tells us that "Love" covers a multitude of sins!  But what about the forget!  We hear it all the time that we should "Forgive and Forget" or "Forgive and move on with your life"  That is easier said then done!  So how do will deal with the "Forgive & Forget"  Does the bible tell us to forget?  It hard enough to forgive, but how do we forget . . . should we forget?

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