Monday, March 28, 2011

The Ring Finger

What is the significance of the wedding ring/band? Is it important to wear? What does the bible say about it?

This is a discussion for the married, engaged, and single person!  How important is the wedding ring/band?  What value is associated, if any, with the wedding ring/band? Are there any scripture about the purpose of the wedding ring/band?  What does the bible say about it? (click on "comments" to post)


Anonymous said...

I don't know if the bible mention anything about an actual wedding band, but I do feel it is more important that the person has a relationship with their spouse vs. a ring on their finger. It is amazing how some folks can wear a wedding ring long after their spouse has died, but didn't have a strong relationship with them while they were alive. I do think some folks see it as a symbol or status only!


Lisa said...

My husband referes to his wedding ring as the "Big ball&chain." It hurts when he tells his friends this because I don't know if he is talking about the ring or me! It always catches me off guard because I don't think there is anything wrong with our marriage.

Bro Compton said...

After several years of marriage I have to say in shame that I have lost several wedding bands! Not because I was trying to hide the fact that I was married, but I just lose them . . . in my gym bag, under the seat of the car, etc. But I thank GOD that I never lost my spouse . . . maybe in the mall! But the commitment we made to one another goes much deeper than the wedding bands! Genesis 2:24 says, "for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." We are more concerned about staying "one" than we are about matching wedding bands! Each time I told my spouse that I lost another ring, we just went out to buy another one! However, they did get less expensive each time! To the point that I now wear a small rubberband around my finger!!!!

KB said...

Have you asked your husband why he says that? Maybe he is feeling something you can't see. Maybe you two should talk about it, and i will be praying that it goes well. Some jokes are not worth telling if they are going to hurt someone else!

KB Texas

Anonymous said...

Although I would agree that your marriage relationship is more important than the ring, the ring does serve at least one purpose, it lets other people know that you are off limits; spoken for; comitted; married; satan is the author of confusion, someone may want to "hit" on you and if they don't see any outward sign that you are married, it could possibly lead to an uncomfortable situation that could have been avoided had the other person known you were married, just as there should be some outward sign of our being "married" to Jesus, (Our Christian walk), there should be an outward sign of our comittment in being married to another, the ring serves this purpose.